This is crazy. Can BILLIONS get any better?

I thought it was just me. I’m so addicted to this show, which is a bubbling stew of superb dialogue, intelligent, surprising plot twists and top notch acting from its stars Paul Giamatti, Damian Lewis and Maggie Siff, along with everyone else in the sizeable cast. Every episode is appointment TV in our house. The icing on the cake? Now I’ve discovered the excellent recaps and opinions of NY Times writer Scott Tobias (@scott_tobias). Check out his engrossing article about the latest episode (“Indian Four”). Here’s my favorite paragraph:
“’Billions’ isn’t exactly a comedy, but the psychology it assigns to these two Masters-of-the-Universe types emphasizes the absurd gulf between their intellectual capacity and their raw, bone-stupid masculinity. They may sip on fancy scotch or take the private helicopter to dinner, but at heart they’re possessive and tempestuous beasts, like Jake LaMotta in expensive shoes.”
Counting the days and hours ‘til the next episode … and its recap.