Celebrating Martha Swope
Really? Exact age is vital information why?
I was number 13,769,338
We're a Hit!
TWO HENRYS: Birthing a Lovely New Play
50 Years of Albee
Tom Ford does it again.
Remember the Arts in Schools?
Love the Movies? Please Read This.
Oh joy, a New PBS Obsession: Victoria
Some Things You've Always Wanted to Ask Mark Rylance
Celebrating Caine
Women in show biz: a tipping point?
Vocal Fry: The Epidemic Continues
Thank God for Meryl Streep (or: a little joy amid the gloom)
Great Performances, Troubling Times
Did this really happen? IASIP
Jane, Lily, Swoozie, Marsha and Me
A Date to Die For!
Season Premiere of "Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce" with Lisa Edelstein and Jean Smart
Netflix to release Manson Family Vacation October 27th
The most fun I ever got paid for
Now guest starring on my favorite show (aka: dream come true)
New play "Will" in pre-production